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Illustration : Unknown |
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King Dick |
No Credit | Italy, France | 1973 |
“If you liked their Fritz the Cat, you’ll love our Little Dick the Mighty Midget” promised the American admats for a crudely animated, bawdy adult fairy tale, which in 1973 probably raised eyebrows and titters, but would most likely incur groans from a contemporary audience. Nominally directed by one Gioacchino Libratti — in reality 'father of Italian animation' Gibba (the pseudonym of Francesco Guido), who requested the credit change due to reasons of censorship; the film was re-christened the more punning (and spoilerish) King Dick for its later re-release. Gibba was also responsible for the outrageous animated sequence included in Paolo Cavara's Bloody Peanuts (1976). Fascinatingly, although the film was prepared with English
speaking markets in mind (as evidenced by English text on street signs)
there were two different versions with two different musical scores and
two different endings prepared. The English language version is over 10
minutes shorter than its Italian counterpart, with many scenes slightly
condensed or in the case of the bawdy sing-a-long at Robin Hood's
feast, heavily truncated. Both versions do in fact have unique footage
in comparison to each other, but it's the endings which are the most
remarkably polarised. The English language version features a typical
fairy tale happy ending, whilst the Italian version is far more
mean-spirited and perverse! In the days of yore when the country was ruled over by the evil King Charles the Impotent, there lived a kind but unfortunately named notary called Master Limpcock, who was married to the lustful and much younger Erotica. To rectify his problem of impotence, he sends out his dwarf servant, Little Dick, to ask for possible assistance from the ugly old witch Nymphomania, who lives alone with her toad familiar, Aphrodisia. The witch reveals that she has had a curse placed upon her to make her look haggard by Fart Face — a rival sorceress — which can only be reversed after enjoying 69 orgasms. Nymphomania agrees to help Master Limpcock with his erectile dysfunction, but only in exchange for his servant Little Dick, who promptly scarpers! Pursued by Nymphomania, her toad Aphrodisia and their magic crystal ball, Little Dick (who when aroused is quite the opposite…) tries all he can to avoid sexual congress with the harridan, including joining a circus complete with its own flatulent Elephant, even being taken in by Robin Hood and his band of outlaws, with whom he helps overthrow the King Charles the Impotent.
Released as King Dick
in 1979 for cinema exhibition by Eagle
Films Ltd., the BBFC
were not enamoured by some of the more outrageous sequences and asked
for cuts to be made before granting the film an 'X' certificate —
most notably two sequences: one in which a phallic shaped fish jumps
into Nymphomania's vagina, and the second being a scene showing a older
monk chasing two boys whilst sporting a huge erection under his tunic!
It was this same cut version which both Intervision and AVR Home Entertainment released in
1981 and 1986 respectively. The direectorial credit on this English
language print is not mentioned. In 1987, the American Arrow Productions used lengthy sequences from King Dick to pad out its own shot-on-video production. 1980s porn starlet Sheena Horne introduces clips from the film before getting down to some hardcore action herself in the interim. This straight to video cheapie was released as Sheena in Wonderland. aka : Il Nano e La Strega; Little Dick the Mighty Midget cast : — |