Illustration : Brendon McCarthy

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Alberto Vázquez Figueroa | Spain, Italy, Mexico | 1979


This grubby exploitation film from Spaniard Alberto Vázquez Figueroa, based upon his own 1975 novel, concerns the sweaty goings-on at a 19th Century South American rubber plantation. Filmed amidst the heat of a variety of Mexican locations and the rainforests of Brazil, Figueroa manages to capture a feel of isolationist dread, as Arquimedes, played by the ever-popular Fabio Testi (What Have You Done to Solange?), makes a break for freedom from forced labour, alongside fellow plantation worker Howard (Jorge Rivero) and Claudia (played by the underused Agostina Belli). Hot on their heels is plantation boss Carmelo, played by actor/Acapulco hotelier and Simón Bolívar wannabe, Andrés García.

Originally released uncut in April 1982 through Derek and Anne SimmondsGold Star label – an offshoot of Derann Audio Visual — which exists today as one of the country’s leading independent electrical retailers, now under the directorship of Derek’s son, Adrian. Gold Star tapes were an attractive sideline for Derann, which included such adult-orientated delights as Bisexual, When Girls Undress and the UK’s only known video release of Italian Stallion – the latter touting Sylvester Stallone in his first screen role, as the aptly named “Stud”! 





When MPV submitted Manaos in September 1987, the BBFC demanded the removal of 23 seconds before affording an ‘18’ certificate. The edits were required to remove sight of Agostina Belli’s clothing being forcibly torn off — a disturbing moment as she is pushed into a crowd of slathering sex-starved plantation workers, essentially fed to the lions in a horrifying scene of merciless brutality.

This edition was presented with an outrageous sleeve design — showcasing a muscle-bound, knife wielding Indian, rendered by artist/illustrator Brendon McCarthy, who has been working for the successful science fiction-oriented anthology comic serial 2000AD since 1983!  

Eagle-eared viewers will note the use of msuical cues recyled for Lucio Fulci’s Zombie 2 from the same year, whilst the opening disco theme tune composed by Bixio, Frizzi and Tempera, would have been more at home on the dancefloors of Studio 54 than the rainforest!


aka : Rebelión en la selva; Slaves from Prison Camp Manaos

cast : Fabio Testi, Agostina Belli, Jorge Rivero, Andrés García, Florinda Bolkan, Jorge Luke, Alberto de Mendoza, Milton Rodríguez, Carlos East, Carlos Nieto, Mike Moroff, Alfredo Wally Barrón, Miguel Ángel Fuentes, Jorge Reynoso, John Fonseca