Sunstruck 1972

director: James Gilbert  



Australia, Great Britain



Stanley Evans, a Welsh schoolteacher, leaves England to teach in Australia. He is in for a shock when he finds himself posted to an outback school in the tiny town of Kookaburra Springs, where the weather is hot, the flies are bad and the children are little monsters. Stanley forms his small group of pupils into a choir, and when the kids hear there is to be a big school children's singing concert at the Sydney Opera House, they will stop at nothing to be included in the programme, including switching a tape of their singing tor a tape of Stanley's excellent Welsh school choir, and sending the good tape off to the organisers. It's not long before they receive word that the Kookaburra Springs School Choir has been invited to attend, and there is great excitement as the school prepares for the big trip to Sydney. A rollicking fun film for the whole family.


Available on VHSAvailable on Betamax

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Distributor K&C Video
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Printed Classification G
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