Top stuff from the trandem-riding slapstick stooges whose antics are forever seared into the minds of a generation of seventies kids. Down on their luck, the Goodies take their three-seater bike to the market, where Bill exchanges it for a tin of baked beans. Graeme plants one of the beans which immediately sprouts a giant stalk that leads to the top of Mount Everest and the secret hideaway of the world's smallest giant (Alfie Bass) who has found a way to make geese lay solid gold eggs. Politically incorrect in places, but that's 1973 for you. The 'Who Wants To Be A Millionaire?' musical number is probably worth the admission price on its own. Although this was among the first wave of BBC Video releases, it wasn't a big seller because the Beeb wanted nearly sixty quid for it, which was a lot of money for one forty-five minute special - so the BBC didn't bother to release any more Goodies episodes (or repeat them, for that matter) for bloody ages.