Great Britain
THE SPAM AND DEEP FAT REFRESHMENT ROOMS, MILTON SPAM KEYNES. MENU ~STARTERS~ NASTI-KEBAB: Diced chunks of lightly sulphured newsreader's biros, with eagles liver sauce, served straight from the nostril. GOLDFISH SURPRISE: A goldfish who has read Proust, bashed over the head, but surprisingly unhurt. WHORES d'OEUVRES: A little bit of everything. BIRDWATCHER'S EGGS. ~ENTREES~ GUMBY WELLINGTON: Lightly chewed whippet's heads, garnished with spam and served in a knotted hankie. PIGEON-FANCIERS DELIGHT: A brace of unbeaked pigeons served in a very dark room, so you can't see they're really spam. SUPREME de VAT: A freshly made up bill, generously garnished with extras and a sauce of 15% pure VAT BLUE DANUBE FLAMBÉ: An orchestral rendition of a popular austrian dish, cooked on a series of explosions. RUPTURE RISSOLE: Clotted spam ball cluster strained through a recently laundered surgical appliance. ~SWEETS~ Moose Mousse: Spam Spam Spam Mousse: Moose Spam Crelm Toothpaste.