Buddy and Skipper 1982

director: Al Adamson  



United States

Alternative Titles

  • Skipper
  • Lost



Their story will bring tears to your eyes!!
The Morrison family arrive in Utah to start a new life together and escape from the hectic bustle of the city. All goes well at first but Buddy, the young daughter, gradually becomes restless with life on the farm and develops a rebellious attitude that gives her mother and surrogate father a hard time. Buddy feels that her only true friends are Skipper, her faithful terrier and Ned, the old donkey she rides to school each day. Heartbroken with the news that Ned has to be taken away, and angry at her parent's lack of compassion, she runs away into the surrounding countryside. She soon finds herself in unfriendly terrene, threatened by flash floods, poisonous snakes and wild cats, Buddy has to fight for survival in a land that shows no mercy. A dramatic story that offers superb family entertainment that is a mixture of excitement, sadness, laughter and tears.


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Distributor CBS/FOX
Catalogue Number 6364-50
Release Series
Release Date
Duration: 88m 13s
Printed Classification
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