Whistle Down the Wind 1961

director: Bryan Forbes  



Great Britain



Kathy (Hayley Mills) is the eldest of three children who live on a farm with their widowed father and their aunt. One day the children rescue three kittens which are being drowned by one of the farmhands. They hide them in the barn, having been told by a Salvation Army girl that Jesus will look after them. Unbeknown to the children, however, this barn is also the hiding place selected by a murderer on the run from justice. When they discover him and ask who he is, they take his muttered expletive "Jesus Christ!" to be his answer. What follows is a moving and dramatic unveiling of the children's gradual loss of innocence. Produced by Richard Attenborough


Available on VHSAvailable on Betamax

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Distributor Rank
Catalogue Number V0053C
Release Series
Release Date November 1981
Printed Classification
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