Great Britain
Are you in great shape and want to stay that way, but you're looking for a method to maintain your high standards? Then, I made this video for you. Are you almost in great shape, but not quite, and looking for that extra something that allows you to make the grade? Then I made this video for you too. Or have you got to the point where you're just fed up - you've never been in great shape - and you wish this whole fitness craze would dry up and blow away? Then I made this video especially for you. This program is designed to develop concentration, coordination, and balance, while building strength, muscle tone and flexibility and ridding you of unsightly bulges. Joggers, dancers, weightlifters, and aerobic buffs will love it, and it's easier to do than other methods I have tried. It is non-violent - as opposed to other frenetic fitness programs in current vogue. It will build your energy instead of spending it. It will relieve your stress instead of adding to it. And last but not least, it is a new way to keep in top shape for women and men of all ages, from the very young to people in their sixties and seventies. Remember: 1. No matter how proficient you are at attaining the ideal, you will still get fast results and all the benefits it you practice regularly. 2. The best times for practice are early morning - before breakfast - and early evening - before dinner. Always exercise on an empty stomach. If you are hungry before practice, try a cup of tea, milk, or fruit juice. 3. You'll need an area large enough for you to stretch, equipped with a full length check and monitor your postures - and, if possible, a carpet. An exercise mat or a large towel laid down on the floor will also do. 4. The room should be warm - it will speed your progress. Never exercise in a cold or air-conditioned place; your muscles will be stiff, and you could injure yourself. 5. Wear only clothing that allows you complete freedom of movement. And finally, never force or strain, and consult first with your doctor before embarking on this or any other exercise routine. The book that is the companion to this video, Raquel: The Raquel Welch Total Beauty and Fitness Program, is published by Macmillan and is available from all booksellers, or in case of difficulty write to Macmillan London Ltd, Dept RW, 4 Little Essex Street, London WC2R 3LF.