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Average User Rating
Coverscan of Delinquent College Girls
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Distributor VCL
Catalogue Number V052
Release Series
Release Date 1979
Printed Classification
User Reviews:
by Lee James Turnock
As one IMDB reviewer says, "every sewage pipe on earth will lead you to this film". Also known as Delinquent School Girls and Carnal Madness - and available in several cut-down and altered versions - this is a rough-and-ready slice of queasy B-movie exploitation with the emphasis on rape played for laughs, carried out by a horny soul brother, a failed impressionist and a gay dress designer. The victims - the 'college girls' of the title - are a group of well-endowed glamour and porno loop models (including the late Roberta Pedon), who all look as if they wish they were somewhere else. The look of the film - grainy and grubby photography, iffy editing, can't-be-bothered direction and hit-and-miss lighting - just serves to increase the sleaze factor, as does the film's willingness to please as many perversions as possible by cramming foot fetishism, hypnotism, mud wrestling and martial arts into the mix. What should have been a fun little slice of rampantly non-PC all-American filthy fun, however, comes across more often than not as genuinely unpleasant and upsetting. I was 'lucky' enough to see the full uncut version - the British pre-cert tapes ran just under an hour - and found myself sitting through a lot of tiresome sub-Goodies / Three Stooges slapstick in order to get to the flesh, but at least Stephen Stucker gets to show off his piano playing skills during one scene. If you're into this kind of thing, check it out, but even for hardened sleaze buffs it may well be several steps too far.