Mama's Dirty Girls 1974

director: John Hayes  



United States



Mama Love has three breathlessly beautiful daughters. Two of them, Addie and Becky have a burning desire - just like Mama - to be wealthy at any price. They would preferably murder for it. It's so cut and dried that way. Only Cindy disapproves. She'd rather go after a man the honourable way. The sultry sisters of sin conspire, love dirty and fight tough to achieve their aims, all with Mama's blessing.
To reveal the outcome of Mama's dastardly plot, would be a sin. Likewise, what happens to good-girl Cindy. It's safe to say that over a good many lifeless corpses, she has the last laugh.

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Distributor VTC
Catalogue Number VTC1119
Release Series
Release Date April 1984
Duration: 76m 21s
Printed Classification
Notes Double-bill with The Manhandlers. Twin tape release.
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