Beginning with a sensationalist, attention-grabbing scene where a miserable-looking kid killing his farmer father for shits and giggles before losing his hand under the wheels of a tractor, [i]Scream Bloody Murder[/i] captures the scummy, low-rent, anything-can-happen vibe of early seventies grindhouse with something approaching panache. Fast forward a few years, and our budding psycho is another Norman Bates-style mother-obsessed misfit who goes on a killing spree. Shot in 1971 on a clearly low budget, [i]Scream Bloody Murder[/i] plays like a warped TV movie for the most part, occasionally throwing the drive-in crowd a juicy bone by way of a meat cleaver dismemberment, the senseless killing of a useless guard dog (thankfully off screen), psychedelic hallucinations and the increasingly bizarre lengths the one-handed loon goes to in order to keep his latest playmate under his (remaining) thumb. The last half hour drifts into tedium, unfortunately, but there's more than enough scum-encrusted goodness in the first two thirds to keep fans of trash cinema grinning like goons.