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Old 20-09-2021, 10:59:46 AM
FrancisBrewster's Avatar
FrancisBrewster FrancisBrewster is offline
Join Date: Aug 2005
Posts: 4,054
Exclamation 16 years old and counting?

In August 2021 the forum became 16 years old.

I've just paid another £228 to keep it going for another year, but I'm not sure it will continue after that.

I'm sad to see so many off topic posts and very little of interest to pre-cert collectors.

The Australian members are always posting great pictures of tapes, catalogues and articles and never go off topic. So, from now on, I would like to encourage UK members to only make a post when they have something interesting to share about the wonderful world of pre-cert. All irrelevant off topic posts will be deleted and members warned.

More donations towards hosting costs would be appreciated, especially when members use the forum to sell, but this site will never ask for compulsory subscriptions or take paid advertising.

Please remember this site only exists to further pre-cert knowledge and if it fails in that aim then it will have to die.
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